Not Where's Waldo, but Where's Whaaaat!
Not related really to the title of my blog, I thought I would do a series of posts just for fun where I will give clues to see if you can figure out where "Whaaaat!" is each day. I will be referring to the Google Maps site for some of the clues. This is a really cool map site where you can click on an area and drag it to the middle of your screen as if you were turning a globe and then zoom in on that area. I will give the answer in the comments so don't click on it until you want to know if you have guessed the correct location. See how many clues it takes you to figure it out each time. Hopefully this will be fun for you, if not let me know so I don't spend all week on this.
Where's Whaaaat! # 1
They say everything is bigger here.
I am somewhat near I-35, but there are no roads in the exact spot where I am at.
It is very wet here.
Part of a nearby town’s name sounds like something you might have played with as a child that you shoot, or maybe something you might say you lost if you do something crazy.
Using Google Maps, the zoom level bar goes right through Las Cruces and you can see all of Louisiana when you are on zoom level 3.
This place is named for a past president.
Do you know where Whaaaat! is today?
Where's Whaaaat! # 1
They say everything is bigger here.
I am somewhat near I-35, but there are no roads in the exact spot where I am at.
It is very wet here.
Part of a nearby town’s name sounds like something you might have played with as a child that you shoot, or maybe something you might say you lost if you do something crazy.
Using Google Maps, the zoom level bar goes right through Las Cruces and you can see all of Louisiana when you are on zoom level 3.
This place is named for a past president.
Do you know where Whaaaat! is today?
I am on Lake LBJ named after the 36th president of the United States Lyndon Baines Johnson which is in Texas near Marble Falls which is near Austin and I-35.
whaaaat!, at 8:30 AM
OK... I read this post and knew you were in Texas, but could not figure it out... Now I feel real dumb. I'm going for the next Where'e Whaaat...
Danny Sims, at 5:24 AM
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