User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Things that make you go hmmm.: December 2006

Things that make you go hmmm.

Monday, December 18, 2006

God's Love

How awesome and amazing is God’s love? We celebrate the most wonderful expression of His love at Christmas when we rejoice in remembering the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. With this glorious gift of His birth, we are also able to see the best, complete, perfect example of God's love through the life of Jesus and ultimately the supreme act of love in His death on the cross to forgive us our sins, to pay the price to redeem us, and in His resurrection conquering sin and death so that we could have life eternal.

Do you ever really think about how awesome and amazing God's love is, especially when you compare it to our human capacity to love. We had a very good study of this on Sunday looking at "the love chapter" I Corinthians 13. What a beautiful look at how we are nothing without love and everything we do is nothing if it is not done in love. Also what love is and what love is not and how love is eternal. In our human weakness, it is too often easy to display what love is not with our relationships with others. I thought the other day how many times we are selfish and don't care to even listen to others tell of their hurts or difficulties much less to care for them and show them love. How huge is God’s love!! He cares so much for us that He wants to hear our troubles and to help us through them and show His love to us. Multiply this by all those who have a relationship with Him and call on His name. Wow!!

He also wants us to show His love to others. He wants to use us as instruments to share His love. Are you willing to love others with God's love?

Have a wonderful, joyful, love-filled and very merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Name that Carol

See if you can guess these familiar Christmas Carols for which the titles have been changed with alternate words with similar meaning. I'll give the answers in the first comment.

1. Ecstasy toward the orb.
2. Hey, miniscule urban area south of Jerusalem.
3. Removed in a bovine feeding trough.
4. The slight percussionist lad.
5. Quiescent nocturnal period.
6. The primary carol.
7. Embellish the corridors.
8. Approach, everyone who is steadfast.
9. I'm fantasizing concerning a blanched Yuletide.
10. What offspring abides thus.

I saw these in a recent men's devotional magazine. I'm sure glad the writers of these songs went with the words we are familiar with.