User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Things that make you go hmmm.: May 2007

Things that make you go hmmm.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Trip to Boise

I recently had to make a business trip to Boise for a few days. I don't usually have to travel that much so this was something out of the ordinary for me and my family. I had to do a few things in preparation for the trip like pick up the rental car, buy sunflower seeds to keep me busy and awake during the drive, pack my bag, etc. In my preparations, I'm sure I mentioned several times to my kids that I was going to Boise. My little four year old daughter even asked where Boise was and why I was going there. I didn't think anything of it until later she asked her older brother if he gets to go to Boy-see and when he said no she said cause I was wondering if just boys get to go there, and was there a Girls-see for girls to go to. After a second of silence, all of us just started cracking up.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Snap, Crackle, Pop in your ear!

Have you ever had the fear that some bug or something might crawl in your ear. I have often had the thought of how horrible an experience something like that would be if it ever happened. I have seen something like this depicted in movies or TV shows, and I have even heard about it actually happening only to find out later that it was just an urban legend. Now there is a story on MSN of a boy that this actually happened to. He kept hearing popping sounds "like Rice Krispies" and he ended up having an earache so he went to the doctor. The doctor discovered two spiders that had crawled into his ear and they were walking on his eardrum making the popping sound. The doctor irrigated the ear and one spider came out dead and then flushed it again and the other one came out still alive. They were both about the size of a pencil eraser and were probably feeding off the boy's earwax for the two days they were inside his ear. Ugggggh!