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Things that make you go hmmm.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Additional comments on the pear ball dilemma

I previously posted about our "ornamental" pear trees and the mess that we had to clean up after a wind storm. I incorrectly stated that all of the pear balls had come down when in fact there are still a few hundred still hanging on in the trees with a few that fall each day. When I was out picking up the few that had fallen yesterday after work, I noticed some pear stains on our driveway and sidewalk and wondered how they could be there since it hadn't been that windy. When I looked closer at these stains, I noticed they were not just random splats, but they had a definite "design" to them. How could that be? Then I realized that these stains weren't splats from the pears falling off, but they were the prints from the feet of birds that have also been interested in these fallen pear balls. I guess as they trapse through the mess of pear balls looking for a meal they get the gunk on their feet which leaves a mark as they hop on the cement. I would assume these are mostly Magpies which we have seen recently around the trees.

Speaking of Magpies, did you know that the word pie may be from magpie, shortened to pie. The explanation offered in favor or this is that the magpie collects a variety of things, and that it was an essential feature of early pies that they contained a variety of ingredients. Hmmm!

Speaking of pies, what kind of pie do you most enjoy at Thanksgiving? Do you have the traditional pumpkin pie? We usually have pumpkin and pecan. I think pecan pie is one of my favorites. I have decided that I definitely like pie more than cake, how about you?

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I wish you all a wonderful time with family and/or friends this week, and I hope you truly recognize that we should be thankful to the one and only true God for His love and blessings.


  • Same to you hmmmm!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:06 PM  

  • My, oh my, what a mess you have there. Sounds similar to our crabapple tree except the birds do not like them. They like our peach tree. We finally cut it down since it was such a mess. We see the pear trees and they have a beautiful fall color, but had not realized that the fruit would be that messy. Have a great Thanksgiving time!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:32 AM  

  • Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    By Blogger Fred, at 7:48 PM  

  • I know I'm late... But I hope your Thanksgiving was nice and the coming season is one of joy.

    By Blogger Danny Sims, at 6:40 AM  

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