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Things that make you go hmmm.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Can you iterpret this dream? And would you really want to?

OK, here is a weird post that I hope doesn't cause me to lose my faithful readers (so I hope it doesn't offend or gross out the four of you : ) I have had several dreams that are just weird, gross, odd, and a little disturbing. I had a similar dream last night and several times in past years. The dream is not always the same but it involves trying to uhmmm... ok I'll just say it, trying to take a dump in a public restroom. The nightmarish part of the dream is when I try to find a "clean" stall there is poop all over. Or if I flush, the toilet backs up and again there is poop all over. What kind of meaning can this have? Now tell me that doesn't make you go hmmm.


  • I, being an interpreter of dreams, will now interpret your dream.

    You've been eating entirely too much Spam.

    By Blogger Joe, at 9:31 PM  

  • You bet it makes me go hmmmmm. Call a plumber - they probably can help interpret the dream.

    By Blogger Fred, at 12:50 PM  

  • Don't go to the world (aka public restrooms) with your issues. Give Christ the throne of your heart and He will take your burdens and make you clean. You can't find a safe place of relief and peace in this dirty world.


    By Blogger Kim, at 5:36 PM  

  • HA HA, good comments for this odd post. Glad to see Kim again. Go to her site to see pictures of her beautiful new baby Kyle if you haven't already.

    By Blogger whaaaat!, at 7:52 AM  

  • Is John Kerry, Howard Dean, or Hillary Clinton anywhere to be seen in your dream? 'Cause if so, that would make it pretty obvious what the meaning is...

    By Blogger Jeff H, at 9:04 AM  

  • I'd say you have been eating too much fiber, and your stomach has been bothering you. Right? :-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:57 PM  

  • I agree with Kim. A bathroom is a place of cleansing, in one form or another. The fact that it is public and there is poop on everywhere shows that you have been searching for a place to cleanse yourself. You know...just what Kim said.
    I had a dream about a toilet a few days back so don't feel badly. LOL

    By Blogger Heather, at 7:14 PM  

  • On the poop dream. I used to be good at this. It's been a while. the fact you want to poop tells me you are trying to get something out of you - sin, bad habits, something inside yourself but not cnecssarily physical. The fact that you can't find a place to go, may relate to where you are trying to go to get rid of this. Could be you don't feel like confessing to those in church or at home may be adequate enough to cleanse you. You may see humanity as corrupt and have a hard time being someplace that is as dirty as you secret. Thwe realization that we are all flawed may disturb you.

    That's my best shot.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:22 PM  

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