Daylight Savings Time
Here is a question for anyone who wants to admit to it. How long have any of you gone before you realized that you forgot to change your clocks, either springing forward for daylight savings time or falling back to standard time? I don't think I or my family have ever forgotten that I can remember. Maybe because it is always on a Saturday night and our churches usually remind us so we will be at church on time. I had to laugh at some friends of ours yesterday who showed up to church an hour late because they forgot and he is a Sunday School teacher so he missed teaching his class. Awhile back, the opposite was true when a family arrived a little late to our early service which starts at 9:30 thinking that they were coming to the late service which starts at 10:50 being that they forgot to set their clocks back to standard time. What about those who don't have somewhere that they have to be on time to like church on Sunday morning? Have you ever known someone to not realize it until they had to be at work or school all the way to Monday morning?
This has always been a job for my husband, which I certainly appreciate him doing as we have at least 9 or 10 clocks. He is the one that likes the "Spring Forward" time and I just as soon it remain the same all year.
Anonymous, at 12:53 AM
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