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Things that make you go hmmm.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Kids say the funniest (strangest) things

We really should start writing down or recording some of the funny things our kids say. They always make us crack up, then it seems we forget about them when trying to recall these random bits when telling someone how cute our kids are. Also, they are usually instances where "you had to be there" for it to be really funny. Anyway, here are a couple of these that I remember that our 7 and 3 yr. old said recently.

When eating at a KFC recently, our 3 yr. old pointed to her chicken and said "what is this?" pointing to an indistinguishable piece of chicken that comes on the cheap meal plate. My wife said "chicken parts" and right away and in all seriousness, our 7 yr. old questions "chicken farts?". We all start laughing with everyone in the restaurant looking at us.

Last night I took the kids to Wendy's (I guess we've been eating out too much this week) while Mom is getting her hair done. We observe a family with 4 wild children come in and go to the counter to order. The dad is dressed in a tie and looks like he just got off work and is pretty much just staring at his kid's as they crawl all over the line divider railing and making all kinds of noise. The mom is trying to order and finally whips around and with a very angry tone and angry face to match yells at one of her kids "I told you to stop it, now go sit down!!" where everyone could hear. My 7 yr. old and I look at each other with expressions of "Whoa!!" on our faces and then he says "that sounded just like you or Mom when you yell at ___ 3 yr. old when she is acting up".
Nice. Nothing like thinking how terrible this mom sounded and then have your 7 yr. old compare you to this "bad parent".

While driving home from Wendy's, the 3 yr. old says "I want to tell Mommy about where we ate" or something like that and I say that she won't be home for awhile because she is getting her hair colored (actually highlighted, but I said colored). A moment of silence, then she says "what color is she going to get?" I chuckle and say it will be the same color just a little brighter. I later found out she was thinking pink or purple would be nice. When Mom got home, our 3 yr. old greets her at the door and says "I like your bright hair".

The other day as I was bending over brushing our 3 yr. old's teeth, she is looking up at me and says "when you get older are you going to have hair all over your face?" Now I am clean-shaven but think maybe she is confused since she has seen me with a few days growth before so I say no, I won't have any more hair on my face than I have now. She then says so you won't be like that guy we saw on TV that had hair all over his face. I then realize she is referring to a documentary we watched briefly several month's ago about people who have the genetic condition Hypertrichosis or "werewolf syndrome" where they have excessive hair growth all over including their faces. I guess our daughter must have been affected more than we thought by this show. I wonder how long she has wondered if/when her loved ones like her grandparents will begin growing hair all over their face as they get older. I explained it to her.

Now that I have typed all of this, I read back through all of this and think not only did you have to be there, but you also probably have to be their parent to really think these are funny. Oh well.

By the way, do you remember what you were doing 16 years ago today?
"I do" !!!


  • On the comment you left me today, I was talking about the guy sitting on the table. (THAT IS ME) I am sitting on the table because I REALLY cant dance. lol
    Joe B

    By Blogger JOE B, at 1:21 PM  

  • While at the beauty shop several months ago, my operator's teen age daughter was near by and she asked her mother,"mom are you going to wear your hair like that when you get old?" I was glad that I could laugh at that. I think the operator was a little embarressed.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:04 AM  

  • Yes, you should be writing these down as the children's comments are priceless, cute, precious, and even humorous. Does this sound like a grandma's writings?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:18 AM  

  • I didn't even know chickens did that.

    By Blogger Joe, at 5:02 AM  

  • I really wish blogs were around when my kids were young. I would have written down so much more.

    I can't remember what I was doing yesterday.

    By Blogger Fred, at 10:22 AM  

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