I paid $2.85 for gas!
No, not per gallon but for a whole tank. I didn't really, but that is about all that people in Venezuela pay for a tank of gas. That's right, they have the world's cheapest gas prices at $0.12 a gallon. Did you see this report a few weeks ago? Here is an article on MSNBC from May 10. I think it has gone up to a whopping $0.14 since then, but you can still fill a 20 gallon tank for less than what you pay for one gallon here. Most of the stations here have been stuck at $2.99 a gallon for a few weeks. Apparently afraid to go over the big $3 mark.
I remember just about 10 years ago, we paid $0.89 a gallon. What is the cheapest price you remember paying for a gallon of gas? I also remember how when it was starting to inch up to $1, thinking that I can live with that. Ugghhh! Now it is three times that. How have the gas prices affected you? Or have they? Do you drive less, have you changed to a more fuel efficient vehicle, or do you still drive the same and try not to think about it?
I got an email forwarded to me the other day about water fuel with a story of a man who has developed a way to change water to HHO instead of H2O (I think) and can burn it and use it as a safer way to weld and he also was able to develop a deal for his car so he can safely use water instead of gas for fuel. I also heard from a coworker that she heard of a converter you can put on a diesel vehicle to burn used cooking oil. I wonder what new technology will take off and be used in the years to come.
We still drive the same and try not tho think about it.
I'd love to buy a more fuel efficient car, and will next time I need to buy one.
I can recall as a kid a Hornet station in Texarkana, Arkansas having gas for $0.19 a gallon. It was normally double that, but they were having a gas war with another station...
By Danny Sims, at 5:38 AM
Crazy isn't it? I only wish there was some way to make big bucks in ministry so as to be able to afford our gas prices. Or maybe you and I ought to develop the next fuel efficient technology and work at what we love for nothing. What do think?
ps: I'm back to blogland if you're reading.
By BJ, at 1:07 AM
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